Photography and Scrapbooking

 My interest in photography started about a few years ago. I have always been most interested in pictures of scenery, flowers, and just random pictures of sitings. Back when I was in middle school I always had tons of pictures just in boxes and never put them to use; they just sat there. When I met my best friend, she was into the whole scrapbooking thing and it interested me as well. I started scrapbooking to actually make my pictures useful.

Earlier this year I was introduced to a couple of websites. One website being This site allows you to edit your photos in whichever way possible. I really enjoyed editing the pictures and adding different features to the pictures to sort of spice them up a bit. The other website that I was introduced to was which allows you to post pictures and make projects. One of these projects being digital scrapbooking. The scrapbooking on this site makes it a lot easier to do but still gives you a lot of different things to use. Ever since then my interest in photography and scrapbooking has increased.