Purpose of My Survey 

The purpose of my survey was to ask students about the internet connectivity within the school. I asked questions such as whether or not the student had a computer to bring to classes, if they had problems with the wireless internet at school, and where they were experiencing the problems. I myself have experienced many problems connecting to the wireless network at school and wanted to know if anyone else was having the same problems. I also wanted to know if the problems caused any negative impact on students if at all any.

Survey: http://ksieg.wufoo.com/forms/internet-connectivity-survey/ 

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Summary of Survey

There was a total of eleven people who took my survey. Of those evelen, nine had a laptop to bring with them to classes; that is a total of 82% and 18% that don't have a laptop to bring to classes. It surprised me that 55% of surveyors said that they never brought their laptop to class while 36% said they brought it 3-4 times weekly. Only 9% brings their laptop 5 or more times a week. Fifty-five percent of the people doesn't experience any problems with the internet while 45% does. The majority of students said the internet connectivity doesn't have an impact on them. The final question asked "Where do you experience the most problems with internet connectivity?" and 55% responded other, 18% responded during class time as well as another 18% having problems in the atrium, lastly 9% had problems in any lounge area.